Last Updated: April 28, 2024

WINNIPEGHELPINGUKRAINE.COM Summary has 0 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 0 MX records, and 0 TXT records. A records for are . The domain's primary website is hosted on a nginx/1.14.2 web server at in Canada. The website's description is: "our friends, rochelle kives and ruslan rusin have just recently welcomed their mother/mother-in-law, elena pecherskaya, to winnipeg. she has fled her homeland in ukraine and is currently staying in a hotel funded by the canadian government. this support is about to run out. we are throwing them a good old fashioned manitoba fundraising social to help them as it is a huge financial burden to support elena (especially for two self-employed artists!). they have agreed to this provided that we split any proceeds with another ukrainian refugee family that elena has befriended at the hotel: the kok family is a six-person family with 2 younger children here in winnipeg, and 2 older children still in ukraine, one of whom is fighting in the war. come out and enjoy music and entertainment by rainbow sound & lite, a silent auction, a 50/50 draw, a midnight lunch and a guaranteed good time!"

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Meta Tags

og:title: social in support of ukrainian refugees

og:type: activity

og:description: our friends, rochelle kives and ruslan rusin have just recently welcomed their mother/mother-in-law, elena pecherskaya, to winnipeg. she has fled her homeland in ukraine and is currently staying in a hotel funded by the canadian government. this support is about to run out. we are throwing them a good old fashioned manitoba fundraising social to help them as it is a huge financial burden to support elena (especially for two self-employed artists!). they have agreed to this provided that we split any proceeds with another ukrainian refugee family that elena has befriended at the hotel: the kok family is a six-person family with 2 younger children here in winnipeg, and 2 older children still in ukraine, one of whom is fighting in the war. come out and enjoy music and entertainment by rainbow sound & lite, a silent auction, a 50/50 draw, a midnight lunch and a guaranteed good time!


og:latitude: 49.8437099

og:longitude: -97.11482280000001

og:street-address: 26 molgat ave

og:locality: winnipeg

og:region: mb

og:postal-code: r2m 1x3

og:country-name: can

og:site_name: ticketleap


fb:app_id: 129696687042653

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