Last Updated: May 13, 2024


unefon.mx has 4 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 2 MX records, and 37 TXT records. Name servers for unefon.mx are ns4.attdns.com, ns2.attdns.com, ns1.attdns.com, ns3.attdns.com. A records for unefon.mx are MX records that process @unefon.mx email are mx0a-00191d01.pphosted.com, mx0b-00191d01.pphosted.com. We have observed unefon.mx to have 2 subdomains. A subdomain count of 2 is considered a small digital footprint. The domain's primary website is hosted on a BigIP web server at in Mexico. The website's description is: "conoce unefon, la telefonía que te da servicio ilimitado en cada una de tus recargas. descubre una gran variedad de teléfonos celulares en prepago." The website's description is: "conoce unefon, la telefonía que te da servicio ilimitado en cada una de tus recargas. descubre una gran variedad de teléfonos celulares en prepago."

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A Records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "MS=ms21251375"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "8kvq9fvbppvk8t6t706n5j02ddxygxbg"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "xk5vk7r6vsg8tkntf02mcky41vc7jnc8"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "t5f3mjr8rz0y5q34wlrrt72hw2hdvfk1"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "nwv9bcj50zc779sw214xmhc9w7dstjb3"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "v=spf1 mx -all"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "c9wlcrv3k10kbtm6qwfqv34d3s7db9vd"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "png4l1w8vtgw47rkhnvjy8sxmyvdryr8"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "2lt9x7vstngk61b4g009ntz1lp58hrzj"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "yrwrsppkp9dlr87v86xdpm4n1zkmngfj"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "MS=ms58286149"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "s00s4vc5166941q1qt812y6wd2q0c6h5"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "3f05cdqtm1vcywwf96rbd8ty8ql9k8r2"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "8f21kky0rzwx9kmwhfwzz7p1r4lc1z81"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "z0zf2yjdkb11394htb7c1m6bkmf1t3h1"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "mrm5rxk6bv51j2m7p6n8cbp7qgyt3ck9"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "3dk9qnr1fjsh4nczflddwsjytkc4dtl1"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "1cd8k877rcnf1xbr8tj9rcrz5f7c511v"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "71y3hrm8x7k39vxs9wsrh1wdm1wbj8wb"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "fhc075w7j6xmd3x23zlhzk9jf2dzyd1p"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "xn2r2d4wj12mdtlzxlkjp33d579xr1h3 3f05cdqtm1vcywwf96rbd8ty8ql9k8r2"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "qgrqk6p170j1rzspryn8sdzbjccd4pxg"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "mgb16bft4tmhnzz919hhkcb37623yj38"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "4vv67rr5v871tcx0hpvqz7xx0qpcyd28"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "c02rjgmrc89hd32t1zxxyyksvqg2q0hf"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "4607wjy7k4g60jm615fn5xmmp9hnvhnb"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "xn2r2d4wj12mdtlzxlkjp33d579xr1h3"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "ssjxbfntfhcv0r2vfwmx17jqccy6rlwk"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "7sdc319xwxk0xx0rk8d6pw8vmjbsdf23"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "5swb1gk6m8gbv7y3p06lvq6qz9jx4s8t"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "3l8v5f3l8vywcq8qpmvjn4j14mx8l1g3"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "4vv67rr5v871tcx0hpvqz7xx0qpcyd28 8kvq9fvbppvk8t6t706n5j02ddxygxbg"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "670nh9d3mwr1mfscg517608j2nlwxtw7"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "p5jqnsn8wgg1ymmfwkktfrskf0lj2lpr"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "3sf0nb2pjqt35s40q1nb1b821lbsxggp"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "lcjm43hv67b14g6d1t88tdtzn0p1j8cb"

unefon.mx. 14400 IN TXT "7hgvbhz7pf2qy1qbsffsykmk2x4xkzmh"

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UNEFON.MX Subdomains

unefon.mx has 2 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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Web Server


IP Address



Meta Tags

og:url: http://www.unefon.com.mx/

og:type: website

og:title: bienvenido a unefon – ahora tus recargas duran más días.

og:description: conoce unefon, la telefonía que te da servicio ilimitado en cada una de tus recargas. descubre una gran variedad de teléfonos celulares en prepago.

og:url: http://www.unefon.com.mx/

og:title: bienvenido a unefon – ahora tus recargas duran más días.

og:description: conoce unefon, la telefonía que te da servicio ilimitado en cada una de tus recargas. descubre una gran variedad de teléfonos celulares en prepago.

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UNEFON.MX Certificate Trust

Certificate Trust Log

{"message_type": "certificate_update", "data": {"leaf_cert": {"not_after": 1722988799, "signature_algorithm": "sha256, rsa", "extensions": {"subjectKeyIdentifier": "06:47:C2:87:14:74:81:64:95:BA:62:23:2A:92:00:E9:13:87:D5:21", "authorityKeyIdentifier": "keyid:74:85:80:C0:66:C7:DF:37:DE:CF:BD:29:37:AA:03:1D:BE:ED:CD:17\n", "extendedKeyUsage": "TLS Web server authentication, TLS Web client authentication", "subjectAltName": "DNS:www.unefon.com.mx, DNS:www.unefon.mx, DNS:unefon.mx, DNS:www.unefon.com, DNS:unefon.com, DNS:unefon.com.mx", "crlDistributionPoints": " URI:http://crl3.digicert.com/DigiCertGlobalG2TLSRSASHA2562020CA1-1.crl\nFull Name:\nFull Name:\n URI:http://crl4.digicert.com/DigiCertGlobalG2TLSRSASHA2562020CA1-1.crl", "keyUsage": "Digital Signature, Key Encipherment", "certificatePolicies": "Policy:\n CPS: http://www.digicert.com/CPS", "ctlPoisonByte": true, "authorityInfoAccess": "CA Issuers - URI:http://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertGlobalG2TLSRSASHA2562020CA1-1.crt\nOCSP - URI:http://ocsp.digicert.com\n", "basicConstraints": "CA:FALSE"}, "fingerprint": "EA:33:82:A4:48:69:DB:C5:41:F2:D8:98:97:FB:24:58:89:38:D1:B5", "all_domains": ["unefon.com", "unefon.com.mx", "unefon.mx", "www.unefon.com", "www.unefon.com.mx", "www.unefon.mx"], "serial_number": "4E65D6DED9A4DE5D3BE2450681D8DD3", "subject": {"C": "US", "CN": "unefon.com.mx", "L": "Dallas", "O": "AT&T Services, Inc.", "ST": "Texas", "emailAddress": null, "OU": null, "aggregated": "/C=US/CN=unefon.com.mx/L=Dallas/O=AT&T Services, Inc./ST=Texas"}, "not_before": 1691107200, "issuer": {"C": "US", "CN": "DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1", "L": null, "O": "DigiCert Inc", "ST": null, "emailAddress": null, "OU": null, "aggregated": "/C=US/CN=DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1/O=DigiCert Inc"}}, "cert_link": "https://oak.ct.letsencrypt.org/2024h2/ct/v1/get-entries?start=15508217&end=15508217", "source": {"url": "https://oak.ct.letsencrypt.org/2024h2/", "name": "Let's Encrypt 'Oak2024H2' log"}, "update_type": "PrecertLogEntry", "seen": 1691171953.320857, "cert_index": 15508217}}

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