Last Updated: May 21, 2024


riverdaleeyecare.com has 2 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 1 MX records, and 1 TXT records. Name servers for riverdaleeyecare.com are ns1.innoscale.net, ns2.innoscale.net. A records for riverdaleeyecare.com are MX records that process @riverdaleeyecare.com email are mail.cloudemailhost.net. We have observed riverdaleeyecare.com to have 2 subdomains. A subdomain count of 2 is considered a small digital footprint. The domain's primary website is hosted on a Apache web server at in United States. The website's description is: "welcome to riverdale eye care our practice has been proudly serving the riverdale, kingsbridge and the surrounding communities for over 40 years. with quality service and friendly staff, we provide eye care for the entire family, including children ages five and up. dr. vaystub and staff will take the time to answer all of your questions and explain treatment options. with an in-house optical lab our experienced opticians are able to recommend and create customized solutions to fit your needs. whether you have an eye care emergency, or just need a comprehensive eye exam, diabetic eye care, contact lens fitting, eyewear fitting or adjustment we look forward to serving your family's needs. telemedicine services are offered for eye care emergencies, please call or email if after hours here." The website's description is: "fall brings a lot of fun, with halloween bringing loads of it. but did you know that some halloween practices could harm your vision? take halloween contacts, for instance. they vary widely, with everything from monster eyes to goblin eyes to cat eyes to sci-fi or a glamour look." The website's description is: "punctal plugs are something we use to help treat dry eye syndrome.   this syndrome is a multifactorial problem that comes from a generalized decrease in the amount and quality of the tears you make.  there is often both a lack of tear volume..." The website's description is: "motherhood...the sheer sound of it brings enduring memories. a mother’s touch, her voice, her cooking, and the smile of approval in her eyes. science has recently proven that there is a transference of emotion and programming from birth and..."

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A Records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

riverdaleeyecare.com. 3600 IN TXT "v=spf1 include:mail.cloudemailhost.net include:server.eyemotion.com ?all"

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riverdaleeyecare.com has 2 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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Web Server


IP Address


United States

Meta Tags

og:title: welcome to riverdale eye care

og:type: article

og:url: https://www.riverdaleeyecare.com/

og:site_name: riverdale eye care

og:description: welcome to riverdale eye care our practice has been proudly serving the riverdale, kingsbridge and the surrounding communities for over 40 years. with quality service and friendly staff, we provide eye care for the entire family, including children ages five and up. dr. vaystub and staff will take the time to answer all of your questions and explain treatment options. with an in-house optical lab our experienced opticians are able to recommend and create customized solutions to fit your needs. whether you have an eye care emergency, or just need a comprehensive eye exam, diabetic eye care, contact lens fitting, eyewear fitting or adjustment we look forward to serving your family's needs. telemedicine services are offered for eye care emergencies, please call or email if after hours here.

fb:app_id: 521256411336218

og:title: the scary cost of cheap costume lenses

og:image: https://www.riverdaleeyecare.com/images/stories/halloween.jpg

og:description: fall brings a lot of fun, with halloween bringing loads of it. but did you know that some halloween practices could harm your vision? take halloween contacts, for instance. they vary widely, with everything from monster eyes to goblin eyes to cat eyes to sci-fi or a glamour look.

og:title: what is a punctal plug and why would i need one for my eyes?

og:image: http://www.eyeiq.net/media/cds/eyeiq/moneybasics/3398/images/punctalplugs.jpg

og:description: punctal plugs are something we use to help treat dry eye syndrome.   this syndrome is a multifactorial problem that comes from a generalized decrease in the amount and quality of the tears you make.  there is often both a lack of tear volume...

og:title: mom's eyes

og:image: http://www.eyeiq.net/media/cds/eyeiq/moneybasics/3533/images/mom_eyes.jpg

og:description: motherhood...the sheer sound of it brings enduring memories. a mother’s touch, her voice, her cooking, and the smile of approval in her eyes. science has recently proven that there is a transference of emotion and programming from birth and...

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Certificate Trust Log

{"message_type": "certificate_update", "data": {"leaf_cert": {"not_after": 1703467241, "signature_algorithm": "sha256, rsa", "extensions": {"subjectKeyIdentifier": "C8:61:A9:B6:DA:50:CD:D9:EC:7B:9F:91:11:96:47:44:BB:B9:C9:27", "authorityKeyIdentifier": "keyid:14:2E:B3:17:B7:58:56:CB:AE:50:09:40:E6:1F:AF:9D:8B:14:C2:C6\n", "extendedKeyUsage": "TLS Web server authentication, TLS Web client authentication", "subjectAltName": "DNS:www.riverdaleeyecare.com, DNS:riverdaleeyecare.com", "keyUsage": "Digital Signature, Key Encipherment", "certificatePolicies": "Policy:", "ctlSignedCertificateTimestamp": "BIHyAPAAdgC3Pvsk35xNunXyOcW6WPRsXfxCz3qfNcSeHQmBJe20mQAAAYrPSen5AAAEAwBHMEUCIQDyIMuYoh1RRiSQEhOwijJS4cU8umzAYBwKe9tJkzkcEAIgZ3QNnVRPCaiYrCe4b3djlewnKZ0GpDGUqrOeD6hHRVEAdgDoPtDaPvUGNTLnVyi8iWvJA9PL0RFr7Otp4Xd9bQa9bgAAAYrPSen-AAAEAwBHMEUCIA0H4Q-frG5ECDkWZeqE5F5qPYWZZuUauhanvDITlIvXAiEA5p5vjZKqu0riCXuDYiWihGb0eVlcwU32am69xw6z8Dw=", "authorityInfoAccess": "CA Issuers - URI:http://r3.i.lencr.org/\nOCSP - URI:http://r3.o.lencr.org\n", "basicConstraints": "CA:FALSE"}, "fingerprint": "BF:EE:BE:09:34:C6:66:59:4B:5A:00:28:A0:2C:26:1D:BC:17:3F:AE", "all_domains": ["riverdaleeyecare.com", "www.riverdaleeyecare.com"], "serial_number": "480A77EB85B25DA91B71A41DEA5A9BCBF91", "subject": {"C": null, "CN": "www.riverdaleeyecare.com", "L": null, "O": null, "ST": null, "emailAddress": null, "OU": null, "aggregated": "/CN=www.riverdaleeyecare.com"}, "not_before": 1695691242, "issuer": {"C": "US", "CN": "R3", "L": null, "O": "Let's Encrypt", "ST": null, "emailAddress": null, "OU": null, "aggregated": "/C=US/CN=R3/O=Let's Encrypt"}}, "cert_link": "https://ct.googleapis.com/logs/argon2023/ct/v1/get-entries?start=1755684661&end=1755684661", "source": {"url": "https://ct.googleapis.com/logs/argon2023/", "name": "Google 'Argon2023' log"}, "update_type": "X509LogEntry", "seen": 1695694910.462763, "cert_index": 1755684661}}

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