Last Updated: June 15, 2024

OTSO.IO Summary

otso.io has 2 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 5 MX records, and 8 TXT records. Name servers for otso.io are ns2.siteground.net, ns1.siteground.net. A records for otso.io are MX records that process @otso.io email are alt2.aspmx.l.google.com, aspmx.l.google.com, alt1.aspmx.l.google.com, alt3.aspmx.l.google.com, alt4.aspmx.l.google.com. We have observed otso.io to have 3 subdomains. A subdomain count of 3 is considered a small digital footprint. Technology that may be in use at otso.io includes google, facebook, openai, astra. The website's description is: "otso offers an industry-leading platform to assess and underwrite prospective lessees and borrowers in commercial real estate and beyond. join blackstone, shopcore, nuveen and other institutional grade ownerships groups and funds who have revolutionized their due diligence processes." As of June 15, 2024, otso.io does not have any threat intelligence reports of concern.

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A Records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

otso.io. 86400 IN TXT "google-site-verification=Xk9Y_H0sQRMs8GHhxPs6jyMugwrrdS1e_2qy5rN6jcI"

otso.io. 86400 IN TXT "v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com include:_bf70098d39d9af42b88064cf0653fbfd.spf.dnssmarthost.net ~all"

otso.io. 86400 IN TXT "google-site-verification=Xk9Y_H0sQRMs8GHhxPs6jyMugwrrdS1e_2qy5rN6jcI google-site-"

otso.io. 86400 IN TXT "facebook-domain-verification=a60hczhlvv503ej38kcj95oy92l130 google-site-"

otso.io. 86400 IN TXT "google-site-verification=AYsMxX78mDNQrPYLGPWBb_abRQ5I0mxUWOZg2GvNfOE"

otso.io. 86400 IN TXT "openai-domain-verification=dv-xwdpIpBiHXg3K9ScftgJlf9v"

otso.io. 86400 IN TXT "google-site-verification=aqn27kNMbAEtVPE_P6lrye89ajbqljbIPzzrVJ_nGRg"

otso.io. 86400 IN TXT "astra-target-verification=6f67470a9b32348d9f4c"

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OTSO.IO Subdomains

otso.io has 3 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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OTSO.IO Website

IP Address

Meta Tags

og:title: otso-the leader in automated financial due diligence

og:description: otso offers an industry-leading platform to assess and underwrite prospective lessees and borrowers in commercial real estate and beyond. join blackstone, shopcore, nuveen and other institutional grade ownerships groups and funds who have revolutionized their due diligence processes.

twitter:title: otso-the leader in automated financial due diligence

twitter:description: otso offers an industry-leading platform to assess and underwrite prospective lessees and borrowers in commercial real estate and beyond. join blackstone, shopcore, nuveen and other institutional grade ownerships groups and funds who have revolutionized their due diligence processes.

og:type: website

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OTSO.IO Certificate Trust

No certificate log entry found for otso.io. Please check back at a later time.

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