Last Updated: June 02, 2024


ibinews.co.uk has 4 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 1 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for ibinews.co.uk are ns-1778.awsdns-30.co.uk, ns-1460.awsdns-54.org, ns-611.awsdns-12.net, ns-294.awsdns-36.com. A records for ibinews.co.uk are MX records that process @ibinews.co.uk email are mail1.ipc.co.uk. We have observed ibinews.co.uk to have 2 subdomains. A subdomain count of 2 is considered a small digital footprint. The domain's primary website is hosted on a awselb/2.0 web server at in Ireland. The website's description is: "ibi has been has been reporting on the international leisure marine industry for more than 50 years – no other business-to-business publication can boast the breadth or depth of its reporting across the global boating scene with an experienced network of journalists working on the ground in more than 25 key boating markets. whether it’s the latest new products, country reports, company financials, boat show reviews or equipment sector reports, ibi magazine, ibinews.com and daily newsletter are invaluable resources for anyone involved in the business of boating. supplying content on a daily basis, ibi remains the industry’s most trusted news and intelligence source." As of June 02, 2024, ibinews.co.uk does not have any threat intelligence reports of concern.

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A Records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

No DNS TXT records

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IBINEWS.CO.UK Subdomains

ibinews.co.uk has 2 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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Web Server


IP Address



Meta Tags

og:site_name: international boat industry

og:title: international boat industry

og:description: ibi has been has been reporting on the international leisure marine industry for more than 50 years – no other business-to-business publication can boast the breadth or depth of its reporting across the global boating scene with an experienced network of journalists working on the ground in more than 25 key boating markets. whether it’s the latest new products, country reports, company financials, boat show reviews or equipment sector reports, ibi magazine, ibinews.com and daily newsletter are invaluable resources for anyone involved in the business of boating. supplying content on a daily basis, ibi remains the industry’s most trusted news and intelligence source.

twitter:title: international boat industry

twitter:description: ibi has been has been reporting on the international leisure marine industry for more than 50 years – no other business-to-business publication can boast the breadth or depth of its reporting across the global boating scene with an experienced network of journalists working on the ground in more than 25 key boating markets. whether it’s the latest new products, country reports, company financials, boat show reviews or equipment sector reports, ibi magazine, ibinews.com and daily newsletter are invaluable resources for anyone involved in the business of boating. supplying content on a daily basis, ibi remains the industry’s most trusted news and intelligence source.

twitter:card: summary_large_image

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og:image:height: 536

og:image: https://www.ibinews.com/magazine/dest/graphics/social/logo.png?v=1

og:image:alt: international boat industry

twitter:image:src: https://www.ibinews.com/magazine/dest/graphics/social/twitter-logo.png?v=1

twitter:image:alt: international boat industry

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IBINEWS.CO.UK Certificate Trust

Certificate Trust Log

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