Last Updated: June 03, 2024

H2020-FAITH.EU Summary

h2020-faith.eu has 4 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 1 MX records, and 2 TXT records. Name servers for h2020-faith.eu are dns2.technorail.com, dns4.arubadns.cz, dns3.arubadns.net, dns.technorail.com. A records for h2020-faith.eu are MX records that process @h2020-faith.eu email are mx.h2020-faith.eu. We have observed h2020-faith.eu to have 3 subdomains. A subdomain count of 3 is considered a small digital footprint. Technology that may be in use at h2020-faith.eu includes google. The domain's primary website is hosted on a aruba-proxy web server at in Italy. The website's description is: "faith is an eu-funded research project that aims to provide an artificial intelligence application that remotely identifies depression markers, using federated learning, in people that have undergone cancer treatment. million new cancer cases each year global cancer cases are in europe leading cause of death globally cancer has an" As of June 03, 2024, h2020-faith.eu does not have any threat intelligence reports of concern.

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H2020-FAITH.EU DNS Records

A Records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

h2020-faith.eu. 3600 IN TXT "v=spf1 include:aruba.it ~all"

h2020-faith.eu. 3600 IN TXT "google-site-verification=w3ON4-ARaxRB06_KkAjEGKvFeyrb4Z4gqZe6n4SmzY4"

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H2020-FAITH.EU Subdomains

h2020-faith.eu has 3 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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H2020-FAITH.EU Website

Web Server


IP Address



Meta Tags

og:locale: en_gb

og:site_name: faith project - intelligent post-cancer support

og:type: article

og:title: home - faith project

og:url: https://www.h2020-faith.eu/

article:published_time: 2020-05-20t08:59:58+00:00

article:modified_time: 2023-03-30t07:55:37+00:00

og:title: home

og:type: article

og:url: https://www.h2020-faith.eu/

og:site_name: faith project

og:description: faith is an eu-funded research project that aims to provide an artificial intelligence application that remotely identifies depression markers, using federated learning, in people that have undergone cancer treatment. million new cancer cases each year global cancer cases are in europe leading cause of death globally cancer has an

og:image: https://www.h2020-faith.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/faith_project_logo.png

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H2020-FAITH.EU Certificate Trust

No certificate log entry found for h2020-faith.eu. Please check back at a later time.

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