Last Updated: April 28, 2024

11FINGERS.DE Summary

11fingers.de has 2 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 2 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for 11fingers.de are ns.leipziger-messe.de, ns2.leipziger-messe.de. A records for 11fingers.de are MX records that process @11fingers.de email are mx-in02.eu.retarus.com, mx-in01.eu.retarus.com. We have observed 11fingers.de to have 1 subdomains. A subdomain count of 1 is considered a small digital footprint. The website's description is: "leipziger messe: veranstaltungen, locations und services für ihren erfolg"

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A Records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

No DNS TXT records

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11FINGERS.DE Subdomains

11fingers.de has 1 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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11FINGERS.DE Website

IP Address

Meta Tags

og:type: website

og:site_name: leipziger messe

og:url: https://www.leipziger-messe.de/de/

og:title: startseite | leipziger messe

og:description: leipziger messe: veranstaltungen, locations und services für ihren erfolg

og:image: https://www.leipziger-messe.de/files/corporatesite/media/placeholder/placeholder_16_9_l.png

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11FINGERS.DE Certificate Trust

Certificate Trust Log

{"message_type": "certificate_update", "data": {"leaf_cert": {"not_after": 1691069453, "signature_algorithm": "sha256, rsa", "extensions": {"subjectKeyIdentifier": "52:D5:31:CF:FD:A4:84:83:02:E3:9D:72:5E:9A:07:86:AD:E2:0F:0A", "authorityKeyIdentifier": "keyid:14:2E:B3:17:B7:58:56:CB:AE:50:09:40:E6:1F:AF:9D:8B:14:C2:C6\n", "extendedKeyUsage": "TLS Web server authentication, TLS Web client authentication", "subjectAltName": "DNS:11fingers.de, DNS:*.11fingers.de", "keyUsage": "Digital Signature, Key Encipherment", "certificatePolicies": "Policy:\n CPS: http://cps.letsencrypt.org", "ctlPoisonByte": true, "authorityInfoAccess": "CA Issuers - URI:http://r3.i.lencr.org/\nOCSP - URI:http://r3.o.lencr.org\n", "basicConstraints": "CA:FALSE"}, "fingerprint": "1E:7F:AC:03:C4:6F:BC:E7:D4:45:C5:98:54:36:A6:53:96:08:A6:13", "all_domains": ["*.11fingers.de", "11fingers.de"], "serial_number": "394868773C678AE6B15EB9EE554835AB329", "subject": {"C": null, "CN": "11fingers.de", "L": null, "O": null, "ST": null, "emailAddress": null, "OU": null, "aggregated": "/CN=11fingers.de"}, "not_before": 1683293454, "issuer": {"C": "US", "CN": "R3", "L": null, "O": "Let's Encrypt", "ST": null, "emailAddress": null, "OU": null, "aggregated": "/C=US/CN=R3/O=Let's Encrypt"}}, "cert_link": "https://ct.googleapis.com/logs/xenon2023/ct/v1/get-entries?start=1207198988&end=1207198988", "source": {"url": "https://ct.googleapis.com/logs/xenon2023/", "name": "Google 'Xenon2023' log"}, "update_type": "PrecertLogEntry", "seen": 1683297141.302475, "cert_index": 1207198988}}

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